The Brahman USA board of directors met on December 2, 2024 at Heritage Cattle in Hungerford, Texas. The meeting started at 10 a.m. called to order by Judd Cullers. Judd led us in a prayer and read the mission statement.
Members present: Judd Cullers, Rachel Cutrer, Stuart Watkins, Josefina Muskus (remote), Alfredo Muskus (remote), Brandon Cutrer (remote). Guests present Keaton Dodd and Lyn Castaneda, both remote.
The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed and approved unanimously.
We reviewed the financials. A shared google sheet has been created and shared with all members to be able to view the ledger at all times.
We discussed the use of the Brahman USA logo. The logo placement should be tactful and tasteful and at this time will be a secondary logo used by the member ranches. Suggested use includes putting the logo small in the bottom corner of your ranch show stall signs, embroidering the logo on the side or back of your ranch caps. Right now members will not be putting it on any of their print ads.
Next we discussed USLGE membership. Josefina will head up this area. We are happy to participate in any country event that requests. Our goal is to participate in trade shows, speak at conferences, and judge internationally while representing American Brahman in a positive manner.
Next we discussed a social media plan. Rachel will head this up. The content will be a mix of shared content from founding ranches and original content created by Brahman USA. The content will be big picture content, not just show related. We have a goal of 1 post per month focusing on an educational topic. Rachel will also develop some information info-graphics.
Next we discussed a targeted calendar of events. This includes participating positively at events already in place plus potential new ones. This timeline includes Houston in March, BRC and Heritage existing events in May, BRC/Heritage existing events in October, and any other international trips or conferences that arise that may be good to participate in.
Under new business we discussed our verbal support of the World Brahman Federation and it’s activities. Stuart will take on the lead of developing a corporate sponsorship package. We discussed creating an annual publication like a semen catalog. We would like to provide some gifts of appreciation to the countries we visit and also translators. The next meeting will be January 6 and we are planning to meet in College Station.
The meeting was adjourned at 11 a.m.