Technical Conference Speakers
Leaders in the Brahman Cattle Industry
Brahman USA members are leaders in the Brahman cattle industry and bring unparalleled expertise to technical and educational seminars. Whether its hands-on judging workshops, in-depth presentations on DNA and genetic advancements, marketing, developing youth programs, or captivating insights into Brahman breed history, we are ready to share our knowledge to elevate the breed.

In the last year, we have represented the breed in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Belize, Colombia, Venezuela, and the United States by providing expert speakers on a variety of topics pertinent to beef cattle production and the Brahman breed.
Our team has served as keynote speakers as major industry conferences including the Beef Improvement Federation annual symposium, National Cattleman's Beef Association Cattle Con, TAMU Beef Cattle Short Course, numerous state and regional field days, and more.
Our team has served as keynote speakers as major industry conferences including the Beef Improvement Federation annual symposium, National Cattleman's Beef Association Cattle Con, TAMU Beef Cattle Short Course, numerous state and regional field days, and more.